
NaRiPa on the media



  • Team participating in the WRC [in Japanese], The Denpa Shinbun, October 19, 2018. (合同チームでWRCに参加, 電波新聞 朝刊 12面)
  • Unexpected development different from a laboratory for product display and tidying up [in Japanese], Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun, October 22, 2018. (サービス 商品陳列・片付け挑戦 研究室と違う予想外の展開, 日刊工業新聞 2面・28面)
  • Feel the breath of technological innovation [in Japanese], Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun, November 6, 2018. (技術革新の息吹感じる, 日刊工業新聞 2面)
  • AI Vacuum Cleaner, Improved Cognitive Ability [in Japanese], The Chemical Daily, November 8, 2018. (AI掃除機、認識能力向上, 化学工業日報 5面)

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